Hello Again!
On the night that Southwest Missouri State University officially became Missouri State University (pictured), KRB has made its return.
After a long and very unsuccessful run writing at All-Baseball.com’s Kauffman Confidential, I resigned my position with the Most Valuable Network last night to return to, as Orange & Black Baseball’s Daniel Smith put it, my "internet roots." There’s no question that being linked with MVN, an accredited member of Major League Baseball, was such a tremendous opportunity that I was perhaps a little crazy to just quit, but the truth of the matter is that I was uncomfortable over there from the get-go.
That may sound a little peculiar to most if not all of you. After all, if one’s main focus is writing about the Royals, what difference does it make where that person’s writing appears? In a way it doesn’t make a bean’s worth of difference, but in another -- my personal way -- it makes a whole world’s worth of difference. After awhile, I found that I’d lost my passion for writing. I wasn’t really sure why for the longest time, but after doing some thinking, I came up with a few reasons: Most importantly, I wasn’t down with sharing the page with Bill Heeter, who’s as passionate a Royals fan as you’ll find. I didn’t like the restriction of having to write almost exclusively about the Royals. Least importantly, I didn’t like the layout. Basically, I couldn’t set my own rules to the fullest extent and have that "personal touch", and that’s why I’m back here.
Moving past that, I decided that KRB’s return couldn’t happen without a brand-new layout so, after playing around with a few templates, I fell in love with this one and launched it early Saturday morning. It’s simple (which is what I liked about the old layout), but with a nice fancy touch at the top of the page. Hey, what self-respecting Royals blog would be complete without a picture of the beautiful Kauffman Stadium featured prominently on the front page?
Additionally, if you’ll look at the sidebar, you’ll see that KRB has a new Official Fantasy Girl. Yes, I’ve moved past my obsession with one attractive girl who can’t sing and have replaced her with an even-more attractive girl who can sing. I’m not expecting Carrie Underwood to be dethroned anytime soon. Her combination of looks and talent makes up what’s pretty much the sexiest girl I’ve ever seen in my life. If you’ve been living under a rock for the past six months or so and don‘t know who the hell I‘m talking about, click on the “Carrie Underwood” link, and check out her performance videos. You’ll thank me later, I promise.
I think that covers it, aside from the JEREMY AFFELDT SUCKS! section I may be starting soon. So let’s get back into the swing of things, enjoy Royals baseball, and most of all, have some fun along the way!